Risk Controlling
Risk Controlling is the independent evaluation of sundry risk positions of a financial institution. This encompasses all regular kinds business risks (loans, markets, interest, and liquidity) as well as operative risks, legal exposure and other secondary risks. Risk Controlling is in charge of methods, development and quality of all modelling as well as independent valuation, forecast and reporting.
Benefit from our services:
We support our clients in regaining a succinct operating model that covers all different manners of risk and which re-integrates successive and incrementally implemented regulatory requirements of the past. This operating model is supplemented by new technologies for calculating engines, process orchestration as well as data solutions for simulation and reporting. Sencor’s industry experience in the highly regulated banking environment is effectively combined with state-of-the-art IT know-how to reliably and authoritatively describe and report risks.
Target vision / target operating model for the strategic restructuring of the risk controlling department at a regional bank.
New risk manager replaces risk measurement by risk management.
Integrated risk and earnings management for a merchant bank.
Target vision / target operating model for the strategic restructuring of the risk controlling department at a regional bank.
New risk manager replaces risk measurement by risk management.
Integrated risk and earnings management for a merchant bank.