Public administration and E-Government: Digitalization means security and efficiency.
Digitalization, along with new forms of e-government, need to be urgently addressed by public administration bodies of all levels. This not only to enhance proximity and to enable bureaucracy reduction but also to realize significant efficiency gains. Senacor commands the expertise and the technological know-how to manage transformation processes while ensuring revisions-safety, cash-desk-security, legal certainty and data security at all times. From initial strategy to final implementation and deployment, Senacor always delivers and reliably guides public administrations through the change process.
We know
Digitalizing administration requires state-of-the-art technologies and methods, while at the same time meeting the highest standards of security, data privacy, and transparency.
We deliver
Efficient, reliable, tailor-made IT solutions that meet the highest quality and usability standards.
We are
Strategic partners for digital solutions who always deliver results true to contract specs. We drive digital innovation, while putting the needs and wishes of our customers first.

Senacor Knows How to Digitalize Public Administration – Safe and User-friendly!
Digitalization projects for public administrations – at a federal, state, and municipal level – meet with a variety of challenges, and complex interdependencies and reciprocal relationships are the rule. Senacor solutions rely on an efficient fusion of professional knowledge and technological know-how.
End-to-End Software- / Platform Delivery:
- Customer-oriented product and product strategy development
- Requirements definition and analysis
- Software and platform development
- Test management
- Securing continual business and IT operations
Process Automation
New Technologies for Increased Process Automation and Lower Operational Costs:
- Cloud transformation
- Business Intelligence & Data Analytics
- Artifical Intelligence
- Machine Learning
Cloud Strategies and Service Selection (e.g. Azure)
Well versed in the pros and cons of Cloud offers Senacor uses intricate Cloud knowledge to ensure that the right implementation decisions are made. From a very early stage we include cost models in the decision-making process, which makes for cost-efficient operation in the long run.
Digital Transformation
- Planning, Management & Implementation
- Design of business / IT strategy
- Analysis of status quo & target state
- Definition of business & IT architecture
- Solutions design
- Development & testing
- Securing continual business and IT operations
Data strategies (central data lakes vs. data meshes)
Creating a data-centric organization that knows how to use data profitably: Senacor has a rich experience in setting up and operating DWH and Data Lakes. And there is more: Data Mesh, Data Management, and learning how to put Machine Learning to good use.
IT Working Models
- Change Management
- Agile methods
- DevOps
Business- / IT-Architecture
- Target Vision, Status Quo & Transformation Plan
- Analysis of status quo of professional and IT architecture
- Definition of target architecture (professional & technological)
- Gap analysis
- Derivation and implementation of action areas
Agile requirements engineering
Senacor supports clients in defining professionally complete requirements that may be implemented step by step. This way, requirements definition becomes a sound blueprint for continuous progress.
IT Architecture and software delivery.
Intelligent document processing.
IT Architecture and software delivery.
Intelligent document processing.