Senacor Workshop

Digital Strategy

From initial idea to daily operations.

Using innovative technologies, digitalization creates room for novel business models. It forces companies to entirely re-think products, processes and organizations. This requires practice-oriented and workable concepts. It requires digital strategies that go beyond minimum viable products and pilot projects which are scalable and sustainably effective. And with clearly identifiable added-value for our clients. Senacor is about finishing what we started: all the way from initial idea to a successful day-to-day operation.

We know

Big changes need a reliable roadmap. Which is exactly what our digital transformation plans are. So, that everybody understands how strategies actually become reality: practice-oriented and ambitious – but always realistic.

We deliver

Digital target visions for a shared perspective on digital products and processes. Solution designs that show how digital products and processes will look like in the future. A digital building plan clearly spelling out what the necessary structural changes of processes and IT solutions will be.

We are

Analysts, designers, business experts and software architects. We are a team that develops holistic strategies with a clear view towards successful implementation.

Project references

Digital target image for the transformation of the sales operations of an automotive group.


Digital target image Customer Experience Management for the sports car segment of a leading automotive group.


Digital target image for the transformation of the sales operations of an automotive group.


Digital target image Customer Experience Management for the sports car segment of a leading automotive group.

Contact persons

Rakesh Thadani
SVP, Partner & Business Development
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